And a Jersey previously released the same second jersey with a new production process to avoid the previous logo badge embroidery suture on skin friction caused discomfort.Shirt collar design using simple modern V collar Jersey behind printed CITY (city) ",and adding" EST 1894 cuff inside (started in 1894) ",showing the club have a hundred years of history,and the design of the new logo in the corresponding" 1894 ".
Jersey each side of the body into a shirt and shorts through black stripes,when the player is in the state of motion,on the fringes of breathable mesh and expansion with body movement,so as to enhance the Jersey permeability,and reveal its hidden in the orange design.The collocation with Jersey shorts and socks are designed by purple socks,calf add orange lines,highlighting the players when running speed.
Manchester City will be in a bold new design has appeared in the second Jersey and Swansea in the Carling Cup,and we will be in the next season in the FA Cup Champions League away game to see this shirt figure.
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