At the back of the Home Jersey are printed with "China",the chest is the "China team" badge logo.National football midfielder Huang Bowen said,the new national team jersey with a sense of design,such as the general pattern of the armor inspired us to be full of energy,fighting on the field".
New Home Jersey introduced the concept of Nike's smooth movement,trying to make athletes in the 90 minutes of the game to exclude interference,to maintain a good speed and performance.On both sides of the shirt with a laser cutting strip,they extend along the shirt down and with the shorts on both sides of the strip,can be in the movement of the players to provide good air permeability.Using the Nike Dri-FIT technology will sweat from the body fabric can be absorbed into the jerseys and shorts appearance,and rapid dissemination,so as to help the players to keep the body dry and comfortable.In parts of the laser is easy to sweat mesh cutting can enhance air circulation,so as to effectively regulate body temperature.Chinese football defender Feng Xiaoting evaluation of this new shirt."The new shirt breathable perspiration,and very light fitting,so we were free to make any movement,no worries to the game".